P.O. Box 5148 Hilton Head Island SC 29938 US | +1.8437856224 |
About this site! This site is meant as a resource for South Island PSD employees.
On the UPDATES tab you'll find, oddly enough... updates and data. Note that I said "Data". The Weather Channel is an opinion show that relies on big storms for their income. Connect the dots if you wish, but we are not casual observers seeking entertainment in this situation. Our jobs, our water system, our beautiful little island, and the safety of us and our families depend on a measured response to a Hurricane threat. The forecast page will be a daily update of the current and most recent forecasting models from the National Ocean & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and their subsidiaries. These include the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Hurricane Center (NHC). These organizations are the world leaders in providing raw data to all other weather and media outlets. Opinions and outlooks are based off their data by weathermen, but any and all research data starts at NOAA. The NHS incorporates many computer models into their forecasting data, and I have a tendency to lean towards the Euro model, as it has been the most accurate predictor of storm trajectory and intensity in recent years. With Harvey especially, the Euro model was right on the nose. I'll also be including the most recent weather alert from the Town of HHI.
The LINKS tab will house very useful weather and hurricane related links.
The MATTHEW tab is a small collection of photos from Hurricane Matthew from October 2016.
The IRMA tab is a small collection of videos from Tropical Storm Irma from September 2017.
The STATUS tab is an update on South Island PSD's official status and accompanying response.
The TIPS tab is meant as a resource for our customers.
Who am I? My name is Shea. I work at SIPSD. I remember enough from the meteorology classes that I slept through long ago to translate most raw data from weather research into usable information. At minimum I know where to look to acquire that data. I'm simply trying to be a messenger and provide our staff with the best sources of information to form an opinion on what we should do next.
We are South Island Public Service District. We showed superior unity and team spirit during and after Hurricane Matthew and Tropical Storm Irma, and we'll do the same the next time that a storm stops by to wreak havoc on our community. As always, you can count on us to be one of the first organizations back on the island and right on the front lines of helping return Hilton Head to an accessible and safe community (with delicious drinking water, I might add!)
We may just be a water department, but we are a critical link to the safety and well being of the residents of this island. Together with the other utilities, we are #HHISTRONG
Copyright © South Island PSD. All rights reserved.